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Buddy Club VSU project becomes a finalist of the social projects development programme “People need you!”

09.10.2017 16:43

Student's life / Views: 824

The system of curators for foreign students from Voronezh State University “Buddy Club VSU” became a finalist of the social projects development programme “People need you!”. Representatives of 143 teams from nine Russian federal districts took part in the competition. Students spent an academic year learning, completing tasks, working with mentors, and looking for opportunities to implement their project.

50 teams made it to the final, including the volunteers from "Buddy Club VSU”. The aim of the project is to help international exchange students adapt and to organise events that will make them learn more about Russian culture. Buddy volunteers do not only help interns they also make friends with them.

“We put our hearts into the project. We were very glad to know that we became finalists of the programme “People need you!” The project was launched in 2013 and for the first time we’ve taken such a high position. We are planning to keep on developing”, said one of the heads of the club, Sofia Rakova.

The social development programme project “People need you!” is organised by a non-commercial organisation “ITMO University’s Volunteer Centre” with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and PAO “Gazprom neft”.

VSU Press Service  



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