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Migration policy for international students discussed at the university

17.03.2020 12:59

Collaboration, Student's life / Views: 527

On 12 March, a round table discussion “Contemporary migration policy: adaptation and integration of international students and graduates from Voronezh universities (experience of Voronezh State University)” was held at the Faculty of History of Voronezh State University. The event was organised by the Department of Sociology and Politology.

VSU scientists, members of the National Chamber, and leaders of national and cultural organisations of Voronezh discussed the main areas of work with international students, the ways to attract them to study in Russia, the conditions for their successful adaptation, the opportunities for further employment, and the ways of maintaining relations with them after their return to their motherland.

Professor Vladimir Glaziev, the Dean of the Faculty of History, opened the discussion and emphasised the fact that among international students of the faculty there are people from various countries, including Turkmenistan, the USA, Ukraine, African countries, the Middle East countries, and others. The programmes of the faculty provide them with modern knowledge that is in high demand.

Alexander Timashov, personal assistant of the governor of the Voronezh Region, secretary of the National Chamber under the aegis of the governor of the Voronezh region, talked about the implementation of the migration policy at the regional level, pointed out the main issues in the area, and gave a summary of the activities conducted by the authorities and the National Chamber.

Alexandra Glukhova, professor at the Department of Sociology and Politology of the Faculty of History, gave an overview of the educational programmes in political and social studies at the Faculty of History. The three stages of the education: bachelor, master's and postgraduate programmes provide international students with the opportunity to get fundamental knowledge and to deliver their creative, research, and social potential.

Viktoria Chernikova, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Politology and the Moderator of the discussion, presented the results of the survey conducted among university students at the end of 2019. The survey used the method of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Network of Ethnological Monitoring and Early Warning Conflict (EAWARN). In her report she identified the problematic areas of relations between Russian and international students. Alexander Doveiko, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology and Politology, demonstrated the main motives and educational strategies of Russian and international students revealed as a result of the research.

The constructive discussion was conducted in a friendly atmosphere.

VSU Press Service  



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