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Our scientists are co-authors of the monograph “Landscape Patterns in a Range of Spatio-Temporal Scales”

09.04.2020 13:22

Research / Views: 437

The publishing house Springer published the monograph “Landscape Patterns in a Range of Spatio-Temporal Scales”. This is the result of three years of work by a large team of authors, which includes representatives of the country's most famous landscape development centres. The book highlights modern approaches to the study of landscapes that have developed in Russian science since the beginning of the XX century.

One of the chapters of the monograph was written by representatives of the Voronezh landscape school, staff members of the Department of Physical Geography and Landscape Optimization of the Faculty of Geography, Geoecology, and Tourism of Voronezh State University: Anatoly Gorbunov, Vladimir Mikhno, Olga Bykovskaya, and Valery Bevz. The chapter describes high-altitude landscape complexes of the Central Russian forest steppe, which are a special form of flat landscapes, due to the morphometry of the surface, the prevailing true and relative altitude. The individuality of the high-altitude landscape complexes is in the structural organisation of their geosystems, the nature and intensity of the landscape-forming processes, and the features of the landscape shape.

The monograph is aimed at researchers and students in the area of landscape studies, landscape ecology, physical geography, and landscape planning.

VSU Press Service  



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