Location: pr. Revolutsii, 24, Voronezh
Tel: +7 (473) 255-35-59
Email: office@lib.vsu.ru
Web: www.lib.vsu.ru
- large research and information centre of the Central Black Earth Region;
- library and information service meeting international standards;
- over 3 m. titles in more than 40 ancient and modern languages;
- subscription to periodicals and remote access to full-text documents concerning all the academic and research areas of the University;
- 14 sections;
- 11 study rooms;
- Book Museum;
- Book History Museum;
- rare books section containing over 60 thousand items dated from XVI century until the present day;
- foreign languages section containing over 200 thousand volumes;
- complete electronic catalogue of the library funds (over 900 thousand entries)
- joint catalogue of Voronezh public libraries;
- VSU e-library;
- wireless network, copying equipment, lamination and binding services.