Voronezh State University

 Voronezh State University » Study » Russian Language Studies

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Voronezh State University (VSU) – a classical university – is an internationally recognized centre of Russian Studies.

Our Russian Language Programmes provide a unique possibility to enjoy study in a Russian setting and upgrade your knowledge of the Russian Language and Russian culture.

Russian as a second language is taught at the Institute of International Education – a large and specialized department within the framework of the Voronezh State University that coordinates all the work with international students and is in charge of tuition and accommodation.

Classroom activity is combined with an immersion programme in the city and the countryside. On the weekends students engage in exciting trips to the local tourist attractions of Voronezh Region.

Alongside with studies we offer a one-week tourist programme with visits to Moscow – St. Petersburg and Moscow – the Golden Ring towns (Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Suzdal, etc.) and other places of interest in Russia.

To join a programme which interests you, please see the relevant page:

The courses taught under "Russian as a Foreign Language" programme

Russian as a Foreign Language – speaking practice (2–6 ECTS)
The Russian language in the Mirror of the Foreign Students' Native Language (2 ECTS)
Practical (Systemic and Descriptive) Grammar of the Russian Language (4 ECTS)
Variant Forms in the Russian Language: Vocabulary, Grammar, Stylistics (3 ECTS)
The Challenging Issues of the Russian Syntax: the Semantic and Functional Approach (3 ECTS)
Comparative Syntax of Russian and English (1.5 ECTS)
Practical Phonetics (1 ECTS)
Vocabulary and Word Formation (2.5 ECTS)
The Russian Verb (3 ECTS)
A Practical course of translation (English > Russian) (2 ECTS)
Contemporary Spoken Russian (1.5 ECTS)
Scientific Register (3 ECTS)
Russian for Business Communication (3 ECTS)
Print Media Language (3 ECTS)
Methods of Teaching Russian as a Foreign Language (3.5 ECTS)
Russian Literature (4 ECTS)
The Culture of the Voronezh Region (4 ECTS)
Russian Regional Culture (1.5 ECTS)
Russia: Past and Present (video course) (4 ECTS)
Russian History and Culture as Shown in the Paintings by Russian Artists (video course) (1 ECTS)
A Search for "the Russian Idea": Russian Thinkers on the Russian Man's Destiny (1.5 ECTS)
The Russian Song (2 ECTS)
Russian cinema (video lesson) (1.5 ECTS)
The Great Russian Composers (audiovisual course) (3 ECTS)

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