- 18 faculties
- International Education Institute
- Advanced Training Institute
- the Centre of Career Development of the VSU Department of Innovation and Business
- 6 research institutes:
- Geology Research Institute
- Mathematics Research Institute
- Political and Social Research Institute
- Interregional Institute of Social Sciences
- Physics Research Institute
- Chemistry and Pharmaceutics Research Institute
- 10 academic, research, and production centres, in collaboration with the leading companies of the region
- 51 research laboratories
- Business School
- 2 corporate universities (Siemens IT Solutions and Services, EFKO), as well as a corporate master's programme (in collaboration with Sberbank of Russia)
- branch in Borisoglebsk
- the university library is one of the largest research libraries in Russia, housing about 3 000 000 books, periodicals, and manuscripts, in over 40 ancient and modern languages
- Military Training Centre
- a Publishing house
- an Internet centre
- a free wi-fi network for students and staff
- the first student TV network
- Students' Cultural Centre
- VSU Volunteer Club
- Venevitinovo sport and fitness complex
- 9 dormitories
- 11 museums
- a unique university-affiliated Galichya Gora nature reserve has been included in the Guinness book of records as the smallest one in the world
- Internship
- Postgraduate degree programme
- Postdoctoral degree programme (Dr. Habil.)
- Centre for Doctoral Training
- about 100 more professional education programmes for applicants, students, and other people.
- Prof P.A. Cherenkov, Nobel Prize Winner in physics
- Prof V.M. Ievlev, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Prof N.M. Chernyshov, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
- Prof I.F. Khitskov, full member of the Russian Academy of Agriculture
- I.V. Pereverzeva, Chairman of the European Council Institutional Committee of Local and Regional Authorities (Strasbourg)
- Yu.M. Danilov, former judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
- V.O. Luchin, theatre director
- V.I. Gusev, writer, literary critic
- A.A. Zhilyaev, distinguished painter
- VSU has the largest number of students in Voronezh – over 21 thousand;
- VSU has the most buildings (10) and dormitories (9) among all the universities in Voronezh;
- VSU is engaged in collaboration with more than 120 international universities;
- VSU is one of the oldest universities in Voronezh – it is going to celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2018;
- at VSU, there are 8 creative associations aimed at developing the students' talents;
- at VSU, there are 42 clubs in 25 kinds of sports, including football, cross-country skiing, orienteering, wrestling, chess, wushu, karate-dō, rock climbing, dance sport, etc;
- there are 6 European languages, 5 Slavic languages, and 3 Oriental languages, taught at VSU.