Vladislav Vostrikov, a student from the Faculty of Mathematics, was awarded a prize at the international competition GeoPin in the nomination “University Promotion” for his video about VSU. The competition was first organised by Perm National Research Polytechnic University, and there were three nominations – “University Promotion”, “Event”, and “Territory Positioning”.
Vladislav presented his video for the first time in November 2015 at the Video Contest “VSU – Semper in motu!” held by our university. He was then awarded first place for the best editing.
At the GeoPin competition, the video was highly praised by a European advertising guru, Jacques Séguéla.
“If I were 20 years old, I would choose Voronezh State University,” – said Mr Séguéla after watching the video. “You’ve made me want to learn more about your city. It is a very good idea, a good advertising technique, to visualise your university using the dynamics of the city buildings”.
Apart from certificates, the winners of the competition also received special prizes from Jacques Séguéla and the European Institute of PR.