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Our team is among leaders of Petrine regatta

31.07.2017 20:52

Sport, Student's life / Views: 1393

On 30 July, our country celebrates Navy Day. All cities hold festive events, parades of war and civil ships, and sportsmen’s exhibition performances.

This year, Voronezh prepared a special celebration for its citizens. Our city had its first Dragon boat race – Petrine regatta. Among the participants of the event were representatives of 16 universities and companies from Voronezh, including a team from Voronezh State University.

VSU’s team showed good results in the race and was among its leaders. The sportsmen took third place, having lost to the Academy of Water Sports and the Main Directorate of the Voronezh Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The Governor of the Voronezh region, Aleksey Gordeev, awarded the winners with prizes. He praised the strength and commitment of the regatta participants and congratulated them on the Navy Day.

“Regatta is a wonderful sports event. It will be great if it becomes a tradition in Voronezh. However, we have to develop a special procedure for the sportsmen’s selection so that the teams had equal chances to win. One alternative is to distribute teams and finalists into different categories. The VSU’s team was mainly comprised of members of the students’ sports club "Rapacious Beavers". They are very strong and ambitious and the university is very proud of them. They can become good role models for everyone. And we will support them,” said the VSU Rector, Dmitry Endovitsky.

VSU Press Service  



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