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First robotics educational and training group created at the university

13.11.2018 14:42

Education, Innovations / Views: 800

Voronezh State University in cooperation with the group INTECHROS created the first robotics educational and training group comprised of university’s students and academic staff. They will provide solutions for the robotics company.

The first group is comprised of four students headed by two lecturers. At the initial stage, they will have to create a training simulator for the robotic tool ROIN produced by the engineering group INTECHROS. The program will help to train operators of advanced equipment which will mitigate risks of erroneous action in real life situations. The simulator will be able to simulate in virtual reality real situations that require the operator to use various protocols.

“This group will allow training qualified specialists with a high level of practical knowledge. Students who will demonstrate good results will get a chance to take a permanent position in the company,” said the group supervisor from INTECHROS, Alexey Sanchenko.

“Robotics is one of the priority areas at Voronezh State University. Within this joint project with INTECHROS talented students supervised by lecturers and company’s specialist will solve practical tasks. This is a new mode of interaction for the university. It is different from traditional practical training as it helps students to become engaged in the production process. I am sure that this kind of work is very interesting and useful for their professional development,” said the Rector of VSU, Dmitry Endovitsky.

In November 2018, VSU and group INTECHROS signed a partnership agreement. It provided Voronezh State University with a new platform for the development of practical knowledge in robotics for students. In its turn, INTECHROS got a chance to train young specialists in accordance with the specifics of their work.

VSU Press Service  


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