The Interfax Information Agency published the National University Rating. Voronezh State University ranked 24th among 337 Russian universities.
Our university ranked 8th in the Education section, and 24th–25th in the Research section. The rating was based on the questionnaire results and the academic information published online.
Other Voronezh universities are also presented in the rating, including Voronezh State Technical University (ranked 88th–91st), Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies (ranked 193d–197th), Voronezh State Forest Engineering University G.F. Morozov (ranked 210th), Voronezh State Agricultural University named after Emperor Peter the Great (ranked 272nd), and Voronezh State Teachers University (ranked 304th).
The objectives of the annual National University Rating research are as follows: appraisal of the modern university's performance, development of communication channels between academic community and public; exploring new methods and technologies for the appraisal of university performance in the field of education, research, innovative and social development.