The second intake of students of the bachelor's degree programme “Asian and African Studies” at the Faculty of History completed the programme and obtained diplomas. Last year, there was no graduation ceremony for the first intake students because of the pandemic.
Many of the graduates are going to enrol on master's degree programme to continue their education. Last year's graduates, Dzhamilya Safarova and Svetlana Frolova, are now studying at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations.
“I enrolled on the “Asian and African Studies” programme because it is a new programme and a very interesting one for me. I didn’t expect much, but everything went really well. Of course, the curriculum is not ideal, but I hope it will be elaborated over time. We had very qualified teachers, but what I wanted was a deeper understanding of the East and a chance to learn Arabic. Unfortunately, the university lacks such specialists. But on the whole I am really grateful to the university,” said a 2021 graduate Valeria Bondareva.