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Partnership agreement with universities in Uzbekistan

26.10.2022 16:25

Collaboration / Views: 321

Between 26 and 27 October, VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky took part in the III Russian-Uzbek educational forum in Samarkand. The rector gave a presentation on the partnership between VSU and universities in Uzbekistan. He also signed partnership agreements with universities in Uzbekistan.

The forum is participated in by representatives of corresponding specialised ministries and agencies and rectors of the leading education institutions in Russia and Uzbekistan. The total number of participants involved in the event was 200.

Welcoming speeches were given by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, and the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. At the opening ceremony there were also speeches by the governor of the Samarkand Region, Erkinjon Turdimov, the Minister of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education of Uzbekistan, Abdukodir Toshkulov, and the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Valery Falkov.

The programme of the forum included plenary and panel meetings dedicated to the most urgent issues in the development of academic partnership between the two countries. The speakers gave talks on cooperation between universities, development of the branches of Russian education institutions in Uzbekistan, learning Russian, professional training and further professional education, and collaboration between pre-school and secondary education institutions.

VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky took part in the panel “Partnership prospects in the area of university research and innovations” and gave a presentation on “Educational and innovative partnership between VSU and universities in Uzbekistan: new challenges”.

At the forum, the rector of Voronezh State University also signed a partnership agreement with the Tashkent State University of Law. There is also now a partnership agreement between the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences and the Faculty of Pharmaceutics of VSU and Andijan State Medical Institute.

On 27 October, there were other meetings regarding partnership with the participants of the forum. The programme of the forum included meetings of the rectors of universities in Russia and Uzbekistan and discussion of bilateral projects.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024