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Students from the Faculty of Physics are the winners of the faculty art competition

21.12.2022 18:15

Student's life / Views: 258

On 21 December, the December festival was held by VSU activists. The Museum of the History of Voronezh State University held an art competition aimed at developing the university’s business culture. The winner of the competition was the Faculty of Physics, the second place was taken by the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, and the third place was shared by the Faculty of Journalism and the Faculty of Economics.

The jury of the competition consisted of Dmitry Endovitsky, VSU Rector, Alexandra Nazarova, Head of the Department of Student Affairs, and Natalia Bukhvalova, Art Director of VSU. A special guest of the event was Ekaterina Malakhova, an art manager and a curator of exhibitions and cultural projects.

During the competition, each team had 90 minutes to prepare a work of art dedicated to the topic “My Faculty” which had to be an original 3D design.

The works were evaluated by the following criteria:

  • Idea (concept and relevance)
  • Design (correlation and arrangement of elements relative to each other)
  • Technique (choice of techniques, complexity, application of materials)
  • Compliance of the work with the design requirements
  • Presentation

The works of art, aimed at evoking emotional reactions from viewers, could be made of various materials and objects and had to deliver the message of the creator via visual interactions with the audience.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024