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VSU signed an agreement with Turon Zarmed, a university in Uzbekistan

26.06.2023 13:12

Collaboration, Education / Views: 336

On 26 June, a meeting was held in the main building of VSU between the university administration and representatives of the Turon Zarmed University (Samarkand, Uzbekistan). During the meeting, they discussed the cooperation between the two universities and signed an agreement on networking programmes.

Among VSU representatives were Rector Dmitry Endovitsky, First Vice-Rector and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Elena Chupandina, Vice-Rector for Economics and Contract Services Larisa Korobeinikova, Head of Department of International Cooperation Alla Akulshina, and Director of the International Education Institute of VSU Vladimir Rodionov. The representatives of Uzbekistan included founder and chairman of the board of Turon Zarmed University Dilshod Shukurlayev and Deputy Vice-Rector for International Relations Obidzhon Otamuratov. Aleksandr Anisimov, Head of the Voronezh Regional Branch of the All-Russian Uzbek Congress, also attended the meeting.

Dmitry Endovitsky told the representatives of Uzbekistan about the history of VSU, about the celebration of its 100th anniversary in 2018, and about specific details of its current state.

Dilshod Shukurlayev, in his turn, noted that the main principle of the educational policy of Turon Zarmed University is improving the quality of education. The cooperation between the Uzbekistan university and Voronezh State University is expected to include several areas of pharmaceutical education at the level of master’s degree programmes.

“There are prospects, we just need to steer them on the right course,” said Dilshod Shukurlayev.

After that, the agreement was signed and the representatives of universities exchanged corporate gifts and discussed future cooperation.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024