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Chinese students of VSU attend the meeting “Voronezh–Beijing: a poet in the library”

25.09.2023 18:26

Collaboration, Student's life / Views: 164

On 21 September, Chinese students of VSU, together with representatives of the Leisure and Culture Centre of the Institute of International Education, took part in the “Voronezh–Beijing: a poet in the library” meeting held in the model library No. 32 named after Troepolsky.

The special guest of the event was prose writer, poet, translator, and journalist Irina Chudnova, who has been living in China since 2001. She shared her impressions about the country’s culture and favourite traditions. Throughout the meeting the communication was bilingual. The author recited her poetry which was lyrical and serious and touched upon various themes, such as nature, family, and homeland. Chinese students were not only listening but also actively participating in the meeting. They shared their emotions and talked about the history, customs, and symbolism of China’s popular event called Mid-Autumn Festival, which fell on 29 September this year.

“Our country has a thousand-year history, a large territory, and unique natural and spiritual wealth. Being far from our homeland, at such meetings we all feel like a part of a great country,” said Liu Xiaoxiao, leader of the VSU group of Chinese students.

At the end of the event, Irina Chudnova presented the library with her books which contain fairy tales written in English and Chinese. The students were happy to read them and said that the books were easy to read.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024