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INTECHROS opens a Students' Design Laboratory at the Advanced Engineering School of VSU

19.04.2024 18:51

Collaboration, Faculties' events, Innovations / Views: 64

On 19 April, VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky, the director general of the INTERKHOS group, Sergey Konovalyuk, and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, Sergey Medvedev, opened a Students' Design Laboratory at the university. Alexander Yakovlev, Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanics and Computer Modelling, gave a tour of the laboratory and its equipment. He talked about a new UAV model designed at Voronezh State University:

“This model has its own, firmware that was written from scratch for it. Together with the INTERKHOS group we are developing new intelligent systems in order to reach technological independence. The main part of any robotic system is its “brain”. So, it is the brain that we are working on”, said Alexander Yakovlev.

“Russia is a country with quite a developed industry. We are capable of designing technologies that will be better than their international counterparts. What we need is to start the mass production of our own products. This will help us to meet the current demand on the market”, said Sergey Konovalyuk.

While opening the Students' Design Laboratory, the INTERKHOS group and the Advanced Engineering School of VSU signed a road map that marks the major areas of technological, academic, and innovative cooperation in 2024–2025. VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky and the director general of the INTERKHOS group, Sergey Konovalyuk, determined the main partnership areas between the Advanced Engineering School of VSU and the INTERKHOS group.

The road map involves collaboration in the following areas: development of technical design specifications for joint projects, contracts for research and development and provision of sci-tech services, and the development of a study course for INTERKHOS employees. The company will also purchase some of the equipment required for the Students' Design Laboratory and take part in the implementation of the development programme of the Advanced Engineering School.

“I am glad that the INTERKHOS company, our strategic partner, involves both scientists and students in practical and research activities”, said VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky.

“On behalf of the business community and our company in particular I can say that Voronezh State University has become our strategic partner. This kind of university-business collaboration will help students to become involved in the business processes while still studying and then successfully join our company”, said Sergey Konovalyuk, director general of the INTERKHOS group.



Voronezh State University • 1997–2024